Song of Atlantis
An architect of Atlantis discovers how to harness an infinite source of clean energy – a discovery that 12,500 years later threatens the lives of the scientists who unearth its secrets.
Song of Atlantis is about the sustainability of the earth envisioned by well drawn characters — thinkers, scientists and explorers — led by an American Indian anthropologist, Gordon Tallbear.

Amazon Reviews

“Highly enjoyable and intriguing”
“Combining a conspiracy based story with the legend of Atlantis was an inspired idea for a novel and one which I thought worked really well. The intrigue is there from the very first page and the momentum gathers pace throughout the book. Yes, like all science fiction and fantasy novels it requires the suspension of disbelief but grounding the story in the pursuit of energy gives it a contemporary point of reference which really brought the characters to life. Very well written with a particular emphasis on character development I really enjoyed this book and would love to read more of the same from Brian Power.”
“Great adventure tale!”
“This was a well written adventure yarn. Mr Power seamlessly combines several genres (science, history, fantasy/sci-fi) together into a very interesting tale of mystery and intrigue regarding the lost continent of Atlantis. His attention to detail is superb and his characters are well developed. A real page turner! “

Author: Brian Power

Brian Power graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English literature
and secondary education and later earned a master’s degree in
international relations.