Thumbnail: An architect of Atlantis discovers how to harness an infinite source of clean energy – a discovery that 12,500 years later threatens the lives of the scientists who unearth its secrets.

Synopsis: Song of Atlantis is about the sustainability of the earth envisioned by well drawn characters — thinkers, scientists and explorers — led by an American Indian anthropologist, Gordon Tallbear.

Three story lines are interwoven throughout the novel. It begins 12,500 years ago with Amon Goro, Master Architect of the advanced civilization of Atlantis, harnessing the earth’s forces in an unprecedented structure that will provide a perpetual and limitless source of clean energy to sustain the planet’s growing civilization.

The second story line begins 8,000 years ago when Palen Golendar, exploration team leader from Atlantis is captured by a tribe of Native Americans in the upper Great Plains.

The main story line takes place today, and is about the team of geniuses from a secretive research organization that uncover the links between the simultaneous discoveries of Palen Golendar’s remains and a massive heated cavern system, complete with Atlantean computers, buried in the mountains of Antarctica. They soon unravel the secrets of perpetual energy and plan to re-create this energy source to benefit the world.

Word of these discoveries reaches the Gnomes of Zurich, a manipulative cabal with unlimited financial resources, in the employ of the producers of carbon based fuels. Led by a mysterious Mr. Wilson and a purely evil man named Seth Tilcopan, the Gnomes plan the death of Gordon Tallbear and his colleagues.


Brian Power graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English literature
and secondary education and later earned a master’s degree in
international relations.

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